Town News|

 This week in Greenwood, Dr. Culver, head of the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce, made a visit to the New Black Wall Street, located in Stonecrest, Georgia. The New Black Wall Street shares a similar mission to the original Black Wall Street here in Greenwood, “to increase the size and number of minority and women-owned businesses throughout the United States and Globally.” They also offer many shops, vendors, training for marketing and advertising, and more. Dr Culver was interviewed by 20 people, asking him about the original Black Wall Street. He also met with Mr. Bill Allen, the financier and leader for the New Black Wall Street, who bought a shopping center and are turning it into spaces for new business owners, making the New Black Wall Street Market. Dr. Culver was also able to promote and sell a few copies of Black Wall Street, by Hannibal Johnson. 
   Make sure to stay up to date with all of our social media, as all tenants will soon be posting their own videos about their buisnesses. These videos will show what makes each business in Greenwood unique. 
   Black Wall Street Alliance will be starting a Sunday Market soon, on August 8th, in the courtyard. The Sunday Market will include more vendors, artists and food. 
​   Be sure to come down to Greenwood every weekend, for Welcome weekend, where there will be vendors, food and art.

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